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The Presidential International Yacht Races, which started to be organized in 2020 by the Istanbul Open Sea Yacht Racing Club under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, have turned four years old.

The races, which continue to develop by getting stronger every year and where athletes from many different nations come together in the most impressive geographies of our heavenly homeland, continue to contribute to the international promotion of our country, while at the same time contributing to peace in our country and in the world with the sportsmanship and love of nature inherent in sports and especially in maritime. continues to be a strong voice for environmental awareness.

It is our greatest happiness to introduce the young athletes who join us every year to the sea and to convey the value and importance of the Blue Homeland to future generations.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our President, who gave us this opportunity in this struggle,
and to all our stakeholders who supported us.

Ekrem Yemlihaoğlu - CLUB PRESIDENT

Our story

Yacht racing is undoubtedly one of the most gentlemanly and prestigious sports in the world. Sailors, who have had to struggle with the unique power and unknowns of nature at sea for centuries, have developed the characteristics of solidarity, cooperation and adaptation in order to survive and resist this force, and have formed strong and brave characters. That’s why sailors have become exemplary people who have been followed with great interest by large masses of society.

We have been at sea for four years to reach large masses by creating a platform that will highlight our sailors, our country, and our supporters in a way that will identify them with these superior qualities.


Total in 4 events


million people


Newspaper, TV, Magazine total




The Presidential International Yacht Race, one of the most respected marine sports organizations held in Türkiye in the past four years, is aimed to serve the promotion of our country worldwide.

The 5th Presidential International Yacht Races, which will take place in two cities in 2024, will start in Bodrum district of Muğla on May 19, 2024 and will be completed in Istanbul on October 29, 2024. It consists of 2 cups and 10 races in total, which will take place in two different provinces.


The 4th Presidential International Yacht Races, which took place on the 100th anniversary of the founding of our Republic, were held in two stages: in Muğla between 25-30 July 2023, and in Istanbul between 27-29 October 2023. A total of more than 150 boats participated in 8 races held in two different cities and MSI Sailing Team, captained by Ahmet Köroğlu, won the IRC Overall Championship.


The 3rd Presidential International Yacht Races were held in two stages: in Muğla between 25-27 May 2022, and in Istanbul between 28-30 October 2022, with great interest from teams from home and abroad. Arçelik Sailing Team, captained by Deniz Fıçı, won the IRC Overall Championship.


The 2nd Presidential International Yacht Races, with a rapid development with the intense interest of teams from home and abroad, were held in two stages: in Muğla between 25-27 June 2021, and in Istanbul between 29-31 October 2021. Wings Of Oz team, under the captaincy of Tora Sebahattin Kutoğlu, won the IRC Overall Championship.


The 1st Presidential International Yacht Races started to be organized by the Istanbul Open Sea Yacht Racing Club in 2020 under the auspices of the Presidency. The 1st Presidential International Yacht Races, which started in Istanbul on October 29, 2020, with the enthusiasm of Republic Day, were completed on November 1, 2020. Akkim Kimya Cheese team, under the captaincy of Güney Kaptan, won the IRC Overall Championship.




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